Financial Calculators

Mortgage Calculators
Adjustable Rate Mortgage CalculatorThis calculator helps you to determine what your adjustable mortgage payments will be.
Biweekly Payment CalculatorUsing biweekly payments can accelerate your mortgage payoff and save you thousands in interest. Use this calculator to compare a typical monthly payment schedule to an accelerated biweekly payment.
Mortgage APR CalculatorUse this calculator to find the APR on your mortgage.
Mortgage Comparison: 15 Years vs. 30 YearsUse this calculator to compare these two mortgage terms, and let us help you decide which term is better for you.
Mortgage Loan CalculatorUse this calculator to determine your monthly payment and amortization schedule.
Mortgage PayoffSave thousands of dollars in interest by increasing your monthly mortgage payment.
Mortgage Points CalculatorShould you buy points? Use this calculator to find out.
Mortgage QualifierCan you buy your dream home? Find out just how much you can afford!
Mortgage Refinance Break EvenShould you refinance your mortgage? Use this calculator to determine when you will break even.
Mortgage Tax Savings CalculatorInterest and points paid for a home mortgage are tax deductible. Use this calculator to determine how much your mortgage could save you in income taxes.
Refinance Interest SavingsUse this calculator to see how much interest you can save by refinancing your mortgage!
Rent vs. BuyAre you better off buying your home, or should you continue to rent?
Reverse Mortgage CalculatorThis calculator is specifically designed to show you how the outstanding balance of a reverse mortgage can rapidly grow over a period of time.
Loan Calculators
Alternative Payment FrequenciesUse this calculator to determine your payment or loan amount for different payment frequencies.
Amortizing Loan CalculatorEnter your desired payment - and let us calculate your loan amount. Or, enter in the loan amount and we will calculate your monthly payment!
Debt Consolidation CalculatorShould you consolidate your debt? Use this calculator to find out.
Enhanced Loan CalculatorUse the slider controls to instantly change your monthly payment, loan amount, interest rate or term.
Existing Loan CalculatorUse this calculator to analyze one of your existing loans. Calculate your remaining balance based on the number of monthly payments you have remaining.
Home Equity Line of Credit CalculatorHow big of a home equity line of credit can you receive? Use this calculator to find out!
Line of Credit PayoffUse this calculator to see what it will take to pay off your line of credit, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
Loan & Credit Line PaymentThis calculator helps determine your loan or credit line payment.
Loan & Credit Line Tax SavingsThis calculator helps determine your tax savings on loans or credit lines with tax deductible interest payments.
Loan Comparison CalculatorUse this calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs when comparing loan options.
Credit Cards and Debt Management
Credit Card Pay OffUse this calculator to see what it will take to pay off your credit card balance, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
How much do you owe?Use this calculator as a starting point for your debt management plan.
Personal Debt ConsolidationShould you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you.
Student Loan Consolidation and Debt PayoffThe Student Loan Consolidation and Debt Payoff calculator applies two simple principles to paying off your Debt; Consolidate your student loans, and use the monthly savings to pay off your other outstanding debt.
Auto Calculators
Auto Rebate vs. Low Interest FinancingUse this calculator to help you determine whether you should take advantage of low interest financing or a manufacturer rebate.
Retirement Savings and Planning
401(k) CalculatorA 401(k) can be one of your best tools for creating a secure retirement. Use this calculator to see why this is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.
Retirement PlannerQuickly determine if your retirement plan is on track - and learn how to keep it there.
Roth IRA CalculatorUse this calculator to compare the Roth IRA to an ordinary taxable investment.
Roth IRA ConversionThis calculator will show the advantage, if any, of converting your IRA to a Roth.
Social Security BenefitsUse this calculator to estimate your Social Security benefits.
Traditional IRA CalculatorHow can contributing to a regular IRA help you in your retirement?
Tax Calculators
1040 Tax CalculatorEnter your filing status, income, deductions and credits and we will estimate your total tax. Based on your projected withholdings for the year, we can also estimate your tax refund or amount you may owe the IRS next April.
Marginal Tax Rate CalculatorUse this calculator to determine your marginal and effective tax rates. This calculator sorts through the tax brackets and filing options to calculate your true tax liability.
U.S. 1040EZ Tax Form CalculatorMany people can use the 1040EZ tax form instead of the more complicated 1040 to calculate their taxes. Containing only seven required inputs, the 1040EZ is one of the quickest forms to calculate your tax bill.
Savings Calculators
Benefit of Spending LessReducing your spending can be worth more than you might think. Use this calculator to see just how much your budget reductions may be worth.
CD Ladder CalculatorUse this calculator to examine the benefits of investing in a series of Certificates of Deposits with different maturities, also called a CD Ladder.
Certificate of Deposit CalculatorUse this calculator to find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
College SavingsUse this calculator to help develop or fine tune your education savings plan.
Compounding and Your ReturnThis calculator demonstrates how compounding can affect your savings.
Cool MillionFind out when your savings plan may make you a millionaire!
Emergency Savings CalculatorThis calculator helps you determine how much emergency savings you may need, and how you can begin saving toward this important goal.
Lunch SavingsUse this calculator to see how a simple change such as bringing a bagged lunch to work can really add up.
Savings CalculatorFind out how consistent investments over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth.
Savings GoalsWhat will it take to reach your savings goal? This financial calculator helps you find out.
Savings, Taxes, and InflationUse this calculator to determine how much your savings will be worth with these two important variables in mind.
Personal Finance
Checkbook BalancerBalance your checkbook with this quick and easy calculator.
Credit AssessmentHow is your credit? Use this calculator for a quick assessment!
Home Budget AnalysisAnalyze your budget, see where your money goes and find out where you can improve!
Net WorthThis calculator helps you determine your net worth. It also estimates how your net worth could grow (or shrink!) over the next ten years.
Insurance Calculators
Disability InsuranceUse this calculator to determine how much disability insurance you may need to cover expenses if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Health Savings Account (HSA) Contribution CalculatorThis Health Savings Account (HSA) calculator determines the amount you are allowed to deposit into an HSA account for the current tax year.
Health Savings Account (HSA) Goal CalculatorAre you looking at the Health Savings Account (HSA) as a retirement account? This calculator will help you determine what you need to do in order to reach your goal.
Health Savings Account (HSA) Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to help you determine how much your Health Savings Account (HSA) will be worth over time.
Health Savings Account (HSA) vs. Traditional Health PlanCompare an High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) to a traditional health plan.
Life Insurance CalculatorFind out how much life insurance you really need!
Las Calculadoras Financieras (Spanish)
¿Alquilar o comprar?¿Debe usted alquilar o comprar una casa? Esta calculadora le ayudará analizar los gastos, contribuciones y pagos mensuales para que así usted pueda tomar una buena decisión financiera.
¿Una IRA Roth o una IRA Tradicional?Cuál es mejor: ¿Una IRA Roth o una IRA Tradicional?
Beneficios del Seguro Social¿Cuánto podría recibir del Seguro Social? Use esta calculadora para estimar rápidamente sus beneficios.
Calculadora de Ahorro Entérese cómo las inversiones consistentes a través de los años pueden ser una estrategia efectiva para acumular riqueza.
Calculadora de Ahorros 401(k)Un plan 401(k) puede ser una de sus mejores herramientas para crear una jubilación segura. Use esta calculadora para ver porque éste es un plan de ahorro para la jubilación que usted no puede dejar pasar.
Calculadora de ingresos para la jubilaciónUtilice esta calculadora para determinar cuánto ingreso mensual le proveerá su ahorro para la jubilación en el momento de su retiro.
Calculadora de préstamos hipotecariosUtilice esta calculadora para determinar su pago mensual y plan de amortización
Calculadora IRA RothUtilice esta calculadora para comparar la IRA ROTH con una inversión común sujeta a impuestos
Calculadora IRA Tradicional¿Cómo puede beneficiase en su jubilación al contribuir en una IRA Tradicional?
Comparación de Hipotecas: 15 años vs. 30 añosUtilice esta calculadora para comparar estos dos términos hipotecarios y permítanos ayudarle a decidir cuál término será mejor para usted.
Convertir IRA RothEsta calculadora le mostrará la ventaja, si existe, de convertir su IRA Tradicional a una IRA Roth.
Cualificador Hipotecario¿Puede comprar la casa de sus sueños? ¡Descubra qué precio de compra se ajusta a su presupuesto!
Distribución mínima requerida (DMR)Si usted es el beneficiario de una cuenta de jubilación, use esta calculadora para determinar su Distribución Mínima Obligatoria (DMO).
La Calculadora 72TLa regla del IRS 72T permite anticipos de cuentas de jubilación libre de penalidades. Use esta calculadora para determinar su anticipo 72T permitido y cómo éste le puede ayudar a cubrir sus gastos en su jubilación prematura.
Metas de ahorro¿Qué le tomará para alcanzar su meta de ahorros? Esta calculadora financiera lo ayudará a encontrar la respuesta.
Plan de ahorro universitarioAhorrar para la educación de sus hijos requiere planear a largo plazo.
Planificador de RetiroPlanee su jubilación con una pensión de su compañía, entérese si usted está bien encaminado - y aprenda cómo mantenerse en esa posición.
Planificador para JubilaciónDetermine si su plan de jubilación va por buen camino y aprenda como mantenerlo en curso.
Refinanciamiento para el ahorro de InteresesUtilice esta calculadora para determinar cuanto interés usted se puede ahorrar por refinanciar su hipoteca!
Tasas de impuestos marginales y efectivasUtilice esta calculadora para determinar sus tasas de impuestos marginales y efectivas. Esta calculadora clasifica las diferentes escalas de impuestos y opciones de declaración para establecer su verdadera obligación tributaria.

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.